
.::Vote Results::.

S,Aetworking- WhEN virtual "buddy",s.... amount to a realTIME breakdown in communitys ' ability to reach mutual understanding and tolorance.. Such a frivilous fate .life as a snapshot,

By my watch . .its about realtime oclock(15%) 28 votes.
Have we met(15%) 27 votes.
aint so(11%) 21 votes.
Are you sugjesting''IM' VIrtual..(11%) 21 votes.
maybe(10%) 19 votes.
Number 5 is alive(9%) 16 votes.
i can see your point(8%) 14 votes.
Sorry Who ARE YA'? again(8%) 14 votes.
G i live for chatbot.s..(7%) 13 votes.
i know real people (7%) 13 votes.

Total 186 votes.
