
Makes Me Happy: I love singing playing guitar n duvet days.

Makes Me Sad: negative judgement.Have you ever watched kids on the merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?* Ever followed a ****erflys erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?* You better slow down, Dont dance so fast... Time is short, The music wont last* Do you run through each day on the fly?... When you ask someone How Are you? Do you hear the reply?* When the day is done Do you lie in bed... with the next hundred chores Running through your head* Youd better slow down... Dont dance so fast; Time is short, the music wont last* Ever told your child Well do it tomorrow? And in your haste not see her sorrow?* Ever lost touch, Let a friendship die? Cause you never had time to call an say, "hi"* Youd better slow down... Dont dance so fast, Time is short... The music wont last* When you run so fast to get somewhere... You miss half the fun of getting there* When you worry and hurry through your day, Its like an unopened gift... Thrown away* Life is not a race, Do take it slower... Hear the music Before the song is over...

Interests: Reality if olive oil comes frm olives n veg oil frm dveg where does baby oil come from?.

Profession: Singer mum student raver

Bad Habits: straight up ,keeping it real ,outspoken..

Good Habits: Same as,funny ,random.and incredibly $excie "hehe"

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