
Date: 2/3/2008


Go oot ravin most weekend nights, believe me mate i've seen aw the sights, nae problems gettin in get treated V.I.P, cause ma wee mate sells aw the punters E, meetin new folk fae aw oor the place, everyone of them's got the same ecky face, the whistle posse's blawn their whistles in ma ear, thousands ay folk gee an uproarin cheer, euphoria rushes n ma pupils dilate, watchin on stage the amazin rythmic state, dancin next tae a speaker beltin oot ma tune, i'm no geein this up any time soon, the next bands' on the one i like the most, u aint seen hardcore till u've been dance overdosed, mickey mouse gloves n a black n white suit, can well tell the guy's had at least 5 grams ay toot, everyone's aw cuddles n no one bit ay strife, aw this is the best time i've had in ma life, the sun is risin n it's comin tae an end, ye can bet yer ass i'll be here next weekend, but oor times no oor we've got a party to find, need somewhere to go n unwind ma mind, find a gid couch sit doon roll a joint, relax enjoy life ma friends THAT IS MA POINT
